Frequently Asked Questions
Face Procedure FAQs
What can rhinoplasty do for me?
Rhinoplasty can reshape, reduce or augment the nose, remove a hump, narrow nostril width, change the angle between the nose and the mouth, or correct injury, birth defects, or other problems that affect breathing.
Does insurance cover the procedure?
How long does the procedure take?
Rhinoplasty is usually an outpatient procedure performed under either local with sedation or general anesthesia and lasts two to three hours unless more extensive work needs to be done.
Breast Procedures FAQs
What are breast implants made of, and where are they placed?
Implants are silicone shells filled with either saline (salt water) or silicone gel (recently approved by the FDA). They are placed behind each breast, underneath either breast tissue or the chest wall muscle. Placement behind the chest wall muscle offers a few advantages over placement beneath the breast tissue only. These include reduced risk of capsular contracture (post-operative tightening around the implant) and less interference with mammogram examinations.
Should women who are pregnant or plan to be pregnant wait before undergoing a breast lift or breast reduction?
Pregnancy and nursing cause significant changes in the breasts. Surgery on the breasts for cosmetic reasons should be postponed for at least three months after nursing stops. Breast augmentation can be done before or after pregnancy and nursing and should not affect the ability to nurse if nipple sensation is not compromised. Surgery is often done to rejuvenate the breasts after pregnancy and nursing. If a patient has children after surgery is done, revisions may be needed to optimize the results.
Breast reduction surgery is more likely to interfere with the ability to nurse or lactate. Many of the ducts are removed or cut with the surgery making nursing more difficult or not possible.
Is there much post-operative pain from a breast lift?
Breasts will probably be bruised, swollen, and uncomfortable for a few days but this will pass. Numbness in the breasts and nipples should lessen as swelling subsides, although occasionally it lasts for months or even permanently. Stitches are removed after one to two weeks, and many patients return to work then.
How long does recovery take?
Most patients feel tired and sore after surgery, but this usually passes in a day or two and many patients return to work within a week or two. Any post-operative pain, swelling and sensitivity will diminish over the first few weeks. You should avoid heavy lifting for three to four weeks and only gentle contact with the breasts should occur for six weeks.
Does breast surgery cause scarring?
Yes, although scars can be hidden with a bra, bathing suit or low-cut top. During surgery, incisions are made in inconspicuous places on the breast to minimize scar visibility. lifting and reduction require longer incisions to remove excess skin. Augmentation can be done with an incision as short as an inch. Scars do fade with time and silicone gel sheeting can also help minimize any hypertrophy of the scar.
Body Procedures FAQs
On what areas of the body can liposuction be performed?
Liposuction sculpting can remove undesirable fat from the abdomen, waist, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, chin, cheeks, neck and upper arms.
Are there different techniques?
There are several different methods surgeons use when performing liposuction, including tumescent liposuction, the super-wet technique, and ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL). In all types a tiny incision is made in as inconspicuous a place as possible. A cannula (small tube) is inserted and moved back-and-forth beneath the skin, breaking up the fat layer and suctioning it out. Tumescent liposuction and super-wet liposuction use fluid injection, which facilitates fat removal, reduces blood loss, provides anesthesia during and after surgery, and helps to reduce the amount of bruising after surgery. UAL liquefies fat with ultrasonic energy.
What is the recovery like?
After surgery, drainage tubes, compression garments and antibiotics may be needed to facilitate the healing process. Patients are encouraged to walk as soon as they are able and many return to work within a few days, although strenuous activity should be avoided for about a month. Results are visible immediately, though improvement may continue as swelling subsides during the first three months. Scars are small and inconspicuous. Other irregularities in appearance are possible, such as asymmetric or “baggy” skin, numbness and pigmentation changes.
Who is a good candidate for a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)?
The best candidates are in good physical condition with pockets of fat or loose skin that haven’t responded well to diet and exercise. The procedure is customized according to assessment of excess fat, skin and abdominal wall laxity. Abdominoplasty is useful for women with stretched skin and muscles from pregnancy, although results from the procedure will diminish if they continue to bear children. Patients who intend to lose a lot of weight are also encouraged to wait before undergoing the procedure, since skin in that area typically loosens after substantial weight loss.
What is recovery like? Will there be scars?
Recovery time ranges from two weeks to a few months, but with a balanced diet and regular exercise results are long-lasting. A classic abdominoplasty will leave a permanent scar stretching between the hips, although it should be low enough for even a bikini to conceal it. An abdominal binder is worn for 6 weeks.
What is a mini-tummy tuck (partial abdominoplasty)?
Partial abdominoplasty is similar to abdominoplasty. The incisions are generally shorter and the undermining or surgical dissection is less. Often just the abdominal wall is tightened through a short incision. Each abdominoplasty has to be tailored to the patient’s specific problem of excess skin, fat or abdominal wall laxity.
What happens during bodylift surgery?
Every body lift is different but the classic body lift involves lifting the buttocks, suctioning the lateral thighs and completing an abdominoplasty. During the procedure the patient is repositioned in order to address all the areas described. Excess skin and fat are removed and the skin is sutured closed over drains (surgical tubes).
What is recovery like?
Surgical tubes may be needed for a few days to drain any fluid, and patients may need to wear compression garments for a few weeks to facilitate faster healing. Patients are encouraged to walk as soon as they are able, although strenuous activities must be limited for about a month. Results are visible immediately but improvement may continue for some time. Full recovery may take a few months.